Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Truth about Richard Muller: 'I was never a skeptic' declared Richard Muller in 2011 | Climate Depot
'No wonder Muller endorsed 'The Earth is the Great Ship Titanic', Steven Chu as 'perfect' for U.S. Energy Secretary and Al Gore's hypocritical alarmism'
Twitter / RyanMaue: U.S. media loves conservat ...
U.S. media loves conservatives/Republicans/skeptics that "see the light" & adopt liberal/left ideas, irresistible, e.g. Hunstman, McCain
Twitter / RyanMaue: Dr. Muller has "evolved" i ...
Dr. Muller has "evolved" into an entirely new being, an omniscient overseer of climate science with a Thomas L. Friedman writing style. Ugh
Australian Psychologists Now Claim Climate Science Skeptics Are The True Moon-Landing Conspiracy Theorists
The other point is that climate skeptics are not the ones who are paranoid and obsessed with the notion that human lifestyles are pushing the planet over the brink. Skeptics are not the ones who become hysterical with every wind gust. The true nuts are the extreme warmists.n
The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog: Steffen: AGW and LIES
AGW is an issue which is based on exaggerations, hypocrisy, scare-mongering, failed predictions, in short lying. To a lesser or greater extent all its leading exponents use these tactics to promote the cause. Steffen is one of those leading exponents.

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