Saturday, July 21, 2012

Top Ten Impacts Climate Change Is Making Worse Right Now | ThinkProgress
corn production suffers although analysts predicted record production at the start of the year
We’re All Climate-Change Idiots -
The mental habits that help us navigate the local, practical demands of day-to-day life, they say, make it difficult to engage with the more abstract, global dangers posed by climate change.

Robert Gifford, a psychologist at the University of Victoria in British Columbia who studies the behavioral barriers to combating climate change, calls these habits of mind “dragons of inaction.” We have trouble imagining a future drastically different from the present. We block out complex problems that lack simple solutions. We dislike delayed benefits and so are reluctant to sacrifice today for [alleged] future gains. And we find it harder to confront problems that creep up on us than emergencies that hit quickly.  
Top Ten Record Breaking Years For Heat All Occurred Before 1955 | Real Science
The graph and table below shows the number of current all-time record daily maximums held or tied, ranked by year. The current year is not included, because the data is not available yet.

When the data becomes available, it will become clear that the summer of 2012 was not remarkable compared to the summers prior to the 1960s global cooling. That isn’t going to stop the usual suspects from lying about it however.
Lisa Jackson : Heatwaves And Droughts Were Much Worse During The 1930s | Real Science
From the EPA web site. Curious that Lisa is trying to regulate the US economy into oblivion – over a phenomenon which her own agency says isn’t occurring.
New York Times – All The Lies That Are UnFit To Print | Real Science
What a load of crap. Even Hansen has 2012 on track to be the second coldest year since 2004. Where does the New York Times find these morons?

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