Sunday, August 05, 2012

Barry Woods on Muller's PRN radio interview last week: "an absolutely fascinating insight into what Muller is all about I think everybody should listen to it, it's extremely entertaining"

- Bishop Hill blog - Muller still not impressed by Climategate
Thanks for that link an absolutely fascinating insight into what Muller is all about I think everybody should listen to it, it's extrememly entertaining. I find myself quite liking Muller even if he is shamelessly positioning himself as the true heir of climate science truth and plugging his book too.

I listened from the start of the show and got the impression it seemed be a crazy parody of green believer airheads, the anti-Fox green news, it seem obvious the reporters were unused to engaging in any tricky grey areas - the poor maroons were obviously only expecting to get gratitude from Muller for being welcomed into the unquestioning cult, and Muller initially seemingly obliges by being pleasant (throughout), but then his sticking to his guns on all the positions Barry mentions totally throws them into a spin. It was like something from a sitcom. Hilarious!
I listened a bit more after Muller left and they almost had a shaken tone to their voices, they went through some chatter together that was a palpable attempt at a reprogramming of their shaken cognitive stances back to comforting normality, chuckling at how risible the idea of the Koch brothers being open-minded.


I would dearly love to hear both Muller and Mann together on the show as she asked but I got the feeling Muller ducked that possibility.

BTW Muller’s assertions about his belief that it was an inside leak at CRU is quite interesting -he seems surprisingly certain - I wondered if he may have some inside knowledge?

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