Excellent @bradplumer explainer on natural gas and global warming...
[Revkin] any steps that accelerate a transition from inefficient coal burning to efficient (and less leaky) gas combustion for electricity (and a bigger role in place of oil-based fuels for transportation) have to be seen as climate smart, in my view.Editorial: Jerry Brown's overheated climate rhetoric - Opinion - The Orange County Register
If Mr. Brown were more honest, he would acknowledge that his intention isn't to curb global warming, which we and many scientists maintain is a highly disputable threat. If he were straightforward, Mr. Brown would explain to Californians that his cap-and-trade penalties on large industrial emitters of greenhouse gases are nothing but a disguised tax to raise billions to finance already overblown government operationsTwitter / RichardTol: Comments on FOD AR5 WG IPCC ...
Comments on FOD AR5 WG IPCC are in. Half are from a single guy: Do cite my work. Rest fairly innocent.Building support for action on climate change before we reach tipping points | Eco-Business.com
Republican confusion is dangerous, it threatens our very survival.1947 : International Agency Needed To Stop The Arctic Meltdown | Real Science
He said that temperatures in the Arctic had increased 10 deg. Fahrenheit since 1900–an “enormous” rise from a scientific standpoint.Daily Kos: Climate Change SOS Blogathon: Visions of the Future?
[Warmist John Abraham] For decades, yes decades, scientists have been talking about the coming threat of global warming. They have told us that soon, we will begin to see the impacts in our everyday lives… just outside of our windows.
Well, that day has arrived. Actually, it arrived a while ago. We have warmed our planet enough so that all of the weather patterns we are now experiencing are impacted by the extra carbon we have put into the atmosphere.
History will write a sorry legacy for the anti-science crowd. Around their neck will be the stigma of fighting against the solutions that could have preserved our country’s future.
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