Gullible Warming: A Contrived Crisis That Is Too Good To Waste - Forbes
And if you’re really worried about catastrophic global warming, perhaps take cheer that it isn’t likely to last very long. Consider that we are currently about 10,000 years into a typical 12,000 to 18,000 year-long interglacial period. Assuming that climate history over the past 400,000 years continues to repeat its pattern with the nearly electrocardiogram regularity, maybe we should think about enjoying this brief intermission before the next life-unfriendly Ice Age covers much of the Northern Hemisphere with glaciers up to miles thick for the next 90,000 years.The French Fake Global Warming 'Crisis' :: The Market Oracle
By August 19, as we said at the start of this article, it was all over. Some cities still had temperatures of above 35 degC, but temperatures were set to fall by as much as 9 or 10 degC in the week ending 24 August. The doomshow of AGW had again failed to impress - or depress 'the people'. For the elites the readout is very simple: they need to cook up a new and different Doom theme, if that is how they want to control 'the people' and make cash at the same time.Twitter / eilperin: Federal court strikes down ...
Federal court strikes down part of EPA's cross-state air pollution rule, ruling the agency cut Midwest plants' pollution too deeply.David Cameron's greatest crime – Telegraph Blogs
Sure wind farms aren't the only problem with David Cameron's administration. But it seems to me that of all the legacies his Coalition is set to leave Britain, wind farms will turn out to be the longest-lasting, most destructive and disastrous.August 21 News: Vestas To Outline Plan For Widespread Layoffs In Colorado Due To Wind Tax Credit Uncertainty | ThinkProgress
What's extraordinary is that so few in the Westminster bubble seem to appreciate just how much harm is being done to Britain's most priceless asset: her countryside. With the odd notable exception such as Chris Heaton Harris MP almost no one in the Tory party is speaking out against perhaps the greatest crime perpetrated against the people of the country since the Enclosure acts. Worse, not a few Tory MPs – led by troughers-in-chief Tim Yeo MP and the possibly even more loathsome Lord Deben (formerly John Gummer) – are actively complicit in this "renewable" energy scam.
Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS), the world’s biggest wind-turbine maker, is likely to give details this week of its plan to cut as many as 1,600 jobs mainly in Colorado amid a standoff in Congress over a tax break for the industry.
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