Monday, August 20, 2012

Inhofe: "Now that the global warming movement has completely collapsed, President Barack Obama never dares to mention it"

Democrats use hot summer temps 
to reignite global warming hysteria
It has been a long time since we heard the term “global warming” from the mainstream media and the environmental left—but now that we’re experiencing a hot summer, we’re back to the good old days, as the left tries to drum up the hysteria they once enjoyed.
When the weather is hot, according to them, we have proof of global warming. But this is a dangerous game to play because once it turns cold, they will go right back to saying it’s climate change not global warming, weather is not climate, and that freezing temperatures are consistent with an overheating planet.
In the resurgence of the debate, alarmists have made a lot of the so-called “conversion” of Richard Muller from a global warming skeptic into believer—but Muller was never a skeptic. In fact, when I listed hundreds of scientists who were skeptical of man-made global warming alarmism in a Senate report, I never counted Muller as one of them...
Now that the global warming movement has completely collapsed, President Barack Obama never dares to mention it. It must be very hard for my friends on the left to watch the president who promised he would slow the rise of the oceans posing in front of pipelines in my home state of Oklahoma pretending to support oil and gas.

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