Wednesday, August 01, 2012

It’s A Carbon Fine, Not A Tax | Real Science
Obama promised not to tax anyone making less than $250,000, so this must be a breathing fine, rather than a breathing tax.

When an elected official tells you that they plan to return money, you can be pretty certain that your bank account is about to be raided.
The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog: Idiocy on two continents
Half the country without power because of environmental protests and pandering to the watermelon environmental movement. Thank Heavens that couldn't happen in Australia.

Or Could It?
Elizabeth Muller (Director of BEST) ran a “Green government” consultancy. Just how impartial was BEST? « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
How independent is this project?

Would BEST have ever seriously published a study showing anything other than a scary warming trend?

This is emblematic of how fans of Climate Change Scares present their efforts with half-truths — lines that are technically “correct” but leave an impression that may be the opposite of the real situation.

Elizabeth Muller is listed as “Founder and Executive Director” of the Berkeley Earth Team along with her father Richard Muller. But since 2008 it appears she’s been earning money as a consultant telling governments how to implement green policies, how to reduce their carbon footprint and how to pick “the right technologies” – presumably meaning the right “Green” technologies.
Muller and Associates repeat that they are “politically neutral” and “non-partisan”, but it’s obvious that they benefit from big-government policies, and the bigger the better. It would hard to imagine them welcoming a political policies aiming for a smaller government. That would rather turn off the tap, eh?

Perhaps most damning of all (in terms of their judgement) is that Richard Muller and Elizabeth Muller thought they could get away with it. Did it really not occur to them that skeptics would not find their alarmist comments and green companies on the world wide web? Did they really think they would escape with their credibility intact?

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