New report outlines coordinated attacks by big oil on renewable energy
The organizations are funded by fossil fuel companies like Exxon, which has contributed more than $600,000 since 1998 to the Manhattan Institute and approximately $676,500 since 1998 to the Heartland Institute.Flashback: Climate Money | Heartland Institute
The US government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, administration, education campaigns, foreign aid, and tax breaks.Twitter / BBCRBlack: Virgin aims to be 'most ...
Virgin aims to be 'most sustainable' airline . Now starts London-Manchester flights .Prime Minister Julia Gillard advises business to pass on carbon tax price rises | Perth Now
JULIA Gillard says small businesses hit by carbon tax power price hikes should pass costs on to consumers, who are getting compensation.Why the carbon tax doesn't work | Robert Gottliebsen | Commentary | Business Spectator
Certainly putting up electricity prices in Australia by 30 or 40 per cent (only about one third is the carbon tax) is not going to vastly lower emissions.
What it does do is lower the standard of living of many Australians and is now causing them to challenge whether the carbon/climate links have validity.
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