Friday, August 10, 2012

Not so hot – ocean temperatures around the USA are not anywhere near record levels | Watts Up With That?
While there’s wailing and gnashing of teeth over the US CONUS surface temperature being the “hottest ever” a cursory review of the sea surface temperatures in U.S.Coastal waters shows no cause for alarm, as they aren’t even close to record levels. It’s just one more reason to suspect that UHI and thermometer siting issues are a major forcing component of the surface temperature record. – Anthony
NASA's 'green' planetary test lander crashes
NASA promoted Morpheus as a "green" project because methane is more environmentally friendly than the toxic rocket fuels it uses.
Green Fail: UN Carbon Trading Scheme Increases Pollution | Via Meadia
The carbon credits represent such a lucrative business ($20–40 million per year per plant, by one estimate) that some of the plants participating the scheme, located mostly in China and India, made the bulk of their profits from carbon credits alone; other plants would hit their carbon-credit subsidy limits and then shut down for the rest of the year.

Like last week’s U.S. cooking-oil-for-fuel scam, this story is so unbelievable it almost makes one doubt the greens’ superior ability to regulate complex economic and political systems.
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Graphs of the Day: Why is Corn so Expensive?
Without the ethanol mandate this year, US corn production would be at an all time high.

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