Sunday, August 12, 2012

NY Times: "assuming business as usual, each of the next 80 years in the American West is expected to see less rainfall than the average of the five years of the drought that hit the region from 2000 to 2004"

Extreme Weather and Drought Are Here to Stay -
...Widespread annual droughts, once a rare calamity, have become more frequent and are set to become the “new normal.” is increasingly clear that we already live in the era of human-induced climate change, with a growing frequency of weather and climate extremes like heat waves, droughts, floods and fires...Indeed, assuming business as usual, each of the next 80 years in the American West is expected to see less rainfall than the average of the five years of the drought that hit the region from 2000 to 2004...there can be little doubt that what was once thought to be a future threat is suddenly, catastrophically upon us.


Anonymous said...

Mr Nelson -

It seems like there is a full court press on AGW like they running short on time. When I look at the parties (seen and unseen) as well as US policy over the last 3 years I can only come to one conclusion. The US was the only major economy with out National Health Care not anymore. The last major piece to put in place and some type of carbon control (tax/reg/fee/etc). If the players can get this in place they then have all major economies under similar control structures and thus much easier to control through UN type treaties...LOST, Small Arms, etc. They rhetoric coming from the Environmental Facist/Marxist/Communist/theocratic/etc types is stunning. The US and now Romney/Ryan Nov 6 election are really the last window for these nuts.

Am I just being fringe? I've read about this on various sites and usually just ignore it thinking not way to hard to keep a scam like that under wraps but lately it seems more and more likely. when you read the dooms day predictions like these in NYT (80 years of worse and worse and worse blah blah blah) you have to really consider the Ocoms Razor theory. Sorry for the spelling

J L Smith said...

The continued "extreme dumbing down of America" by extremely educated derelicts would have been a more appropriate title for this article.

I concur with Anonymous....the rats are in a nervous "twitter" realizing that the Romney/Ryan team may "kneecap" them at the heretofore bountiful"feeding trough".

J L Smith