Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future : Nature : Nature Publishing Group
[Steven Chu & Arun Majumdar] With increases over the past 30 years in the number of extreme weather events, such as temperature extremes, floods, wildfires, droughts and storms, the overall loss trend is beginning to exceed $150 billion per year. There is increasing evidence that these changes are linked with climate change
The GWPF and Jo Nova web sites down | Watts Up With That?
[Jo Nova] Hi, yes indeed, the site appears to be under attack. We’ve had two DOS attacks today and now another stronger different one, all in 24 hours. Obviously we will be looking closely at our options to stop this.
Too Risky To Succeed: Energy Dept. Gambles Our Money On Projects The Private-Sector Won’t Touch |
So, why does the Energy Department have an agency created to gamble away our money - $500 million to date - on schemes it admits are “too risky for private-sector investment”?
Warning Signs: Climate Lies in Iowa's Supreme Court
Using the courts to require states to impose coercive laws on people and businesses using bogus “science” and where no atmospheric “health threat” can be affected by any action of the State is immoral. Using a child to advance that objective is immoral.
Seymour Headlines » Climate Resistance
Hundreds of headlines, read by millions of people. Because Seymour Laxon had a cup of tea with a journalist pal, and revealed the results of his unpublished, un-peer-reviewed work.

This is the anatomy of climate alarmism. For years it has been the claim of environmentalists that their arguments were based on peer-reviewed literature published in credible, scientific journals, and that their critics didn’t enjoy the authority that institutional science gave them. But now we see that all it takes for a story to snowball, are, in such conditions, the premature words of a single scientist, about his ‘preliminary results’. The truth is that the avalanche was ready for the first tiny impulse that would send it cascading throughout the media, across the world. And that is how unpublished, untested results from one study, told by just one man, get turned into stories about ‘science’ detecting ‘greater ice loss than we expected’. If Laxon didn’t know it, he was naive.

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