Sunday, August 05, 2012

Priceless: In a new PBS interview, Hansen unveils his new climate dice, now with raging wildfire! Hansen: "In fact, it's [CO2?] now driven our climate outside the range that has existed the last 10,000 years, this geologic epoch that we call the Holocene"

James Hansen: Extreme Heat Events Connected to Climate Change - YouTube
Dr. James Hansen of NASA, says there is now enough evidence to connect global warming to some of the extreme weather events of the recent past. Hansen tells the Newshour that there is now a 1 in 10 chance of extreme heat events like the 2010 Texas/ Oklahoma droughts, the 2010 heat wave in Russia and possibly even the heat wave scorching the Midwest in 2012.

Above, around the 2:00 mark

At the 4:00 mark, Hansen says: "In fact, it's now driven our climate outside the range that has existed the last 10,000 years, this geologic epoch that we call the Holocene".


Anonymous said...

This guy is getting so far out there that the other warmists will be cringing. Too funny!

M D Smith said...

Hansen, along with McKibben, Borenstein, Blakemore, Romm and their ilk have done more to support skepticism than just about anyone else I can think of.

Anonymous said...

Although I agree that Hansen is as far-out as he was as a dope-smoking undergrad, his words will carry weight until we have two years of below average cooling. Only significant cooling events of 2 years will push him off to the sidelines.

People seek the general from the specific: it is the way of survival in an environment you do not control. Twice is a pattern. Hansen has said that 1 in 10 is now the pattern of big droughts. He will be "proved" by a drought next year, and say that the risk is 1 in 5 - he underestimated the problem. A normal year will be only one of his other 9 of 10, as would a couple of normal years. Only a reversal will put him on the defensive, and it needs two years - two is a pattern - to get the MSM to question his sound bites.

Hansen is not deterred by the comparison of global temperature rises to his '88 projections (or AR4). The close match of Scenario C to observation do not cause him embarrasment because observations that do not match his predictions are mere variations within the uncertainty bar. He is a believer in his models as Harold Camping was a believer in his Biblical interpretations.

We need a cold wave, not just to return Arctic ice to a level that international desires for oil and gas in the Canadian Arctic subside, but to shut down the Hansen and McKibben shrieking.

Anonymous said...

Although I agree that Hansen is as far-out as he was as a dope-smoking undergrad, his words will carry weight until we have two years of below average cooling. Only significant cooling events of 2 years will push him off to the sidelines.

People seek the general from the specific: it is the way of survival in an environment you do not control. Twice is a pattern. Hansen has said that 1 in 10 is now the pattern of big droughts. He will be "proved" by a drought next year, and say that the risk is 1 in 5 - he underestimated the problem. A normal year will be only one of his other 9 of 10, as would a couple of normal years. Only a reversal will put him on the defensive, and it needs two years - two is a pattern - to get the MSM to question his sound bites.

Hansen is not deterred by the comparison of global temperature rises to his '88 projections (or AR4). The close match of Scenario C to observation do not cause him embarrasment because observations that do not match his predictions are mere variations within the uncertainty bar. He is a believer in his models as Harold Camping was a believer in his Biblical interpretations.

We need a cold wave, not just to return Arctic ice to a level that international desires for oil and gas in the Canadian Arctic subside, but to shut down the Hansen and McKibben shrieking.