Sunday, August 19, 2012

Renewable energy is a $250 billion dollar industry that makes about 3% of our electricity « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
In June this year the UNEP report announced that Global Renewable Energy investment reached $257 Billion in 2011. It’s so large it rivals the $302 billion invested in fossil fuel power. But how much electricity do we get for all that money? When the details are pulled from the fog, a quarter of a trillion dollars appears to produce only about 3% of all our global electricity, and even less of our global energy. All that money, so few gigawatts
2003 Heat Wave : The New Normal In Climate BS | Real Science
The era of modern global warming bullshit began in 2003, when we were told that the European heatwave was the new normal.

Since 2003, Paris has been cooling at about 5C per century.
The Reference Frame: Arctic warming: a 1947 hysteria
Recall that I actually believe that it's likely that there will be an ice-free Arctic summer before 2100 and I don't think that there's any problem with it.
- Bishop Hill blog - Abraham and Leveson
Leo Hickman pointed me to John Abraham's submission to the Leveson Inquiry and somewhat jokingly suggested I should be fact-checking it. Always seeking to oblige, I took a look. It's rather interesting.

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