Sunday, August 05, 2012

"leasing swamp and marshland for carbon credit is the new thing": How much CO2-induced bad weather can we prevent by paying people not to develop marshland? - Vermilion Parish s marshland may soon be money maker because of carbon credits
...leasing swamp and marshland for carbon credit is the new thing...The Vermilion Parish School Board has 11,000 acres of 16 Section Land that is marshland and not used for anything.
“They will pay us not to develop the land,” Woodruff said.

Woodruff said the land can still be used for hunting and fishing. Timberland Enterprise does nothing to the land. It just sits there and collects carbon in the air like it has been doing for thousands of years.
School Board member Ricky Broussard said, “It is a no-brainer.”

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