Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Reference Frame: Cohen, Happer, Lindzen in WSJ and colors of noise
The climate alarmists often say that the number of extreme events such as tornadoes and hurricanes increases and they like to pretend that such claims are scientifically justified and that such claims are a part of the "greenhouse effect science" package. But these propositions are complete lies that are unfortunately often bought by a large fraction of the public. Once you look at extreme things driven by rapid change or large gradients such as tornadoes, there exists no empirical reason to think that anything is changing about them; and there exists no theoretical explanation why it should be happening. According to everything that science may say, such changes are simply not happening. Tornadoes are as random and as frequent as they were decades or centuries ago.
Articles: The Ghost of Solyndra: Still Haunting Taxpayers
Obama will expedite seven "clean energy" projects as a part of his "We Can't Wait" program.
Katherine Hayhoe Erases The 1930s | Real Science
This summer won’t be anywhere close to the hottest, even after NOAA tampers with the data..
Lying About Drought | Real Science
The latest big drought lie is that the 2012 drought is the worst since the 1950s – which is complete nonsense. In 1988 the drought was so bad that they had to shut down the Mississippi River because it ran out of water. They were even talking about diverting water out of the great lakes.

...There is plenty of water in the Mississippi this year. Drought data in 2012 is inflated, just like all other climate data.
Harold Camping Shows More Integrity Than James Hansen | Real Science
When Camping was wrong about the end of the world, he admitted it. Hansen on the other hand says that the world has been destroyed even more than he forecast.

An honest nutjob is definitely preferable to a dishonest one.

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