Monday, August 20, 2012

This Insane Obsession With Arctic Ice | Real Science
Arctic ice extent in late summer is less than it was in 1980. Nobody would know or care if it wasn’t for team climate moron lying about polar bear populations. Somehow these people have convinced the public the location of the September Arctic ice edge somehow affects their lives.

It doesn’t affect their lives in any way shape or form, and there is plenty of ice in the Arctic.
Attention-seeking doctor ignores reality
If warmth is so bad for your health, how come the uptick in hospital admissions is in winter, not summer? What a pathetic mess of pumped-up ego she is!
Biofuel fails EU sustainability test, German researchers claim | Environment | The Guardian
Study says EU-grown rapeseed biodiesel falls under 35% marker, adding weight to calls to end food biofuels
Carbon farmers challenged by rigorous process
The guidelines which set out how they can make money from schemes like the Federal Government’s Carbon Farming Initiative are still being developed.

Dale Miles, from environmental consultants Outback Ecology, says it’s a fairly rigorous process.

“It’s still sitting under consideration with the Domestic Offset Integrity Committee which is the committee tasked under the clean energy regulator to review the methodologies.

“So we hope that it’s going to become available for public interest by early 2013.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The other absurd (and obvious) thing about the attention-seeking doctor claiming that we in the US are seeing serious health problems as a result of slight warming is that the US is still a cooler climate than Mexico and regions closer to the equator. Using her logic, one should think that people would be dying in epic proportions in those regions due to the warmth. Heck, if you live in Minnesota, you're probably wondering why people in Southern California are still alive. In fact, there should be laws preventing people in the Northern states from travelling to Southern states for their own protection.