Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Top Ten Things Aunt Sally Doesn’t Know About Climate and Greenhouse Gases | Planet3.0
Some people become unpleasant and paranoid as they age. Some of these people are wealthy. Unscrupulous actors seeking to separate crabby and lonely old men from their money will, historically, say whatever is necessary. It is to their advantage to pose as charities.
Some confirmation of Spencer’s cloud hypothesis – it is getting less cloudy and warmer at the same time | Watts Up With That?
A new paper just published in the Journal of Climate finds that global cloudiness has decreased over the past 39 years from between 0.9 to 2.8% by continent as shown in the figure below
Skiers and snowboarders rejoice as Gore Effect hits Australia! « Where’s my Global Warming Dude? By Global Freeze
Business operators in the New South Wales Snowy Mountains are gearing up for the biggest week of the season after the best snowfalls in nearly 10 years…
Hamburg Will Turn Into A Barbecue City By 2050, Commissioned Climate Modellers Claim
To me that sounds like a welcome improvement. Who wouldn’t mind a few extra warm days in cool, dreary Hamburg? And what’s the reason for the extra warm days? Climate change of course, the study says. But, surprisingly, it also cites the urban heat island effect as a reason.
BBC burnt over climate change claim UK will be as hot as Madeira - Telegraph
The BBC has been accused by the Met Office, its own forecaster, of making “unrealistic” claims that climate change will make Britain like Madeira by the 2060s and allow farmers to grow pineapples.

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