Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A review of the seminar ‘The contrarian discourse in the blogosphere–what are blogs good for anyway?’ | Watts Up With That?
Guest post by W. Jackson Davis (who attended the seminar today as listed below)
EPA official: GOP bill would 'cripple' global climate efforts - The Hill's E2-Wire
An Environmental Protection Agency official said during a Tuesday hearing that a House Republican-sponsored bill would “cripple” the agency’s ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Republicans said deficit cutting has to start somewhere, acknowledging that the total tab for EPA's foreign grants program is minor. But Whitfield said the programs -- such as a $400,000 program to study urban air quality in Indonesia and $141,000 to test swine manure -- were frivolous when domestic infrastructure and economy need money.

"We can’t maintain our roads, bridges and domestic programs, but yet we have money to give China to study swine manure," Whitfield said. "Something doesn’t smell right in this situation."
Preserving the Clean Development Mechanism, a global climate necessity | Climate "Reality"
[Maggie Fox] The world faces an unprecedented triple threat in the fight to solve the climate crisis. The Earth’s climate is on a precipice, and it appears now that we could tumble out of control into catastrophic changes that we can never reverse. International efforts to negotiate a solution are falling far short of what is required to avoid this climate disaster. And on top of this, global carbon markets, a vital policy instrument to fight climate change, are collapsing.
The world is reaching a crucial inflection point, in our climate, our climate negotiations, and our vital carbon markets. It’s time for countries to step up and lead the world so we can stop this rolling catastrophe and get started on a clean energy future.
NASA Finishes Erasing The 1930s And The Ice Age Scare | Real Science
It is awesome how Hansen has been able to rewrite history to serve his own ego.

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