Wednesday, September 26, 2012

C3: The Anti-Science of Obama's "Global Warming" - Mission Accomplished, by NOAA
This chart is a plot two different NOAA global temperature datasets. The green plot represents the monthly global temperatures that NOAA reported at the end of 2008. And the red plot is the same dataset, but only after the tens of thousands of manipulations NOAA have been made during the Obama administration. As can be seen, the red linear trend is steeper, meaning that NOAA has fabricated a warming trend that is faster.
Twitter / dropeik: @Revkin saw hansen lament poor ...
@Revkin saw hansen lament poor climate change communication at Clime Week event at which I spoke, and then communicate about it horribly.
U.S. has oversized role in causing global climate change, scientist says. | James Bruggers – Watchdog Earth
But, NASA scientist James Hansen had an interesting slide in a recent presentation he gave. He says it illustrates why we still bear a leadership burden in fixing this problem. Greenhouse gases last in the atmosphere decades, even hundreds of years.

The impact is cumulative.

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