Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Michael Mann suggests that he's "happy" to discuss global warming junk science with people who disagree with him

Twitter / MichaelEMann: @VT_jlee @fivethirtyeight For ...
@VT_jlee @fivethirtyeight For my part, would be happy to engage Nate in amicable discussion. Happy for him to try to convince me I'm wrong.
Flashback: Inside Michael Mann's bunker: He's carefully set up a "cocoon of unreality" in an attempt to avoid any contact with people who disagree with his junk science

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: "Michael Mann suggests that he's "happy" to discuss global warming junk science with people who disagree with him"

I think that's because he's more confident his emails won't ever be released to the public.

(By the way, the robot proving test's are a pain in the ass... But I understand why they are needed.)