Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Check out this insane left-wing babbling about green space and women's equality being important in preventing carbon dioxide-induced bad weather?!

Climate Wise Women | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island Institute
Thus was born the Earth Island Project, Climate Wise Women.

At first glance they may seem an unlikely quartet. Wragg is a former journalist-activist and now a government climate negotiator. Rakova is a social administration expert and leader of her island’s climate refugees. Okollet is a farmer who organizes women around issues of agriculture, community health, and education. Hanshaw became a community leader after her home and her beauty salon were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. While connected by the broad issues of climate change and sustainable development, each woman faced different challenges – whether it was sea-level rise, extreme weather events, famine, health crises, poverty, or natural resource despoliation. In New York they found a common voice. As Wragg wrote in the Huffington Post: “New York taught me that to be seen is to be heard.”
Green space, and women’s equality – they go hand in hand. We know it; now we want our leaders and negotiators to know it. We are leaders too; we deserve a legitimate place at the decision-making table,” Hanshaw said at the People’s Summit, the Rio+20 counter-conference organized by civil society groups in Flamengo Park.

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