Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Explosive Growth In Dishonesty At NOAA | Real Science
I’m curious to know what changes have occurred in the surface record since the year 2000, which have required USHCN to upwards adjust by an additional 0.5 degrees? Perhaps the criticality of funding bias or the you better make Hansen happy bias has kicked in.
[Warmist Peter Jackson:  You know who's like Galileo?  Me] - The Telegram
My headline for the Sept. 5 column was “The only monkey at this trial will be Mark Steyn,” a reference to the Scopes monkey trial of 1925.
In his book “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars,” Mann describes how [he imagines that alleged] deniers [allegedly] use the “Serengeti strategy” to single out scientists who seem vulnerable, in the same way predators seek out the weakest member of a herd.

I certainly got a small taste of it myself. I replied to most of the emails I received about my column, but advancing lions have no interest in reason or facts. They’re hungry for blood. It made me wonder how Galileo must have felt when the Catholic hierarchy was closing in on him. I wonder, did the church throw up Bible experts to counter his research and turn the mob against him?

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