Thursday, September 27, 2012

Extreme Droughtflood | Real Science
I spent yesterday evening with a 60 year Fort Collins resident, who said that yesterday’s three hour downpour at her house was the hardest she had ever seen.

Needless to say, it saddened me greatly to find out this morning that we are having an extreme drought.
Sad News From The Animal World | Real Science
I was watching David Attenborough’s “Planet Earth” and was saddened to discover that many animals spend much of their day engaged in violence against other animals. Their goal appears to be to kill and eat other animals, though we all know that these soft furry creatures would never actually do that.

All violence in the animal kingdom is caused by man-made CO2.
Science in an Age of Scrutiny: How Scientists Can Respond to Criticism and Personal Attacks (2012) | Union of Concerned Scientists
How Scientists Can Respond to Criticism and Personal Attacks
Download: Science in an Age of Scrutiny (2012)

Scientists today are under more scrutiny than ever. When their research ends up at the center of a contentious public policy debate, scientists receive many legitimate requests for more information, but they are also sometimes attacked by individuals who do not like the research results. These attacks can take multiple forms—emails, newspaper op-eds, blogs, open-records requests, even subpoenas—but the goals are the same: to discredit the research by discrediting the researcher.

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