Monday, September 03, 2012

German Professor Says We Are “Treading On Thin Ice” With Our Interpretation Of Warming
His conclusion: climate change and ice cap melting (and freezing) are nothing new and that man ought to be grateful it’s warmer, and not be hysterical about it.

Indeed this is the first time in human history where some among us are cursing the warmth. He writes: “The ice at the poles is supposedly melting faster than ever before – but that has occurred many times before. That it’s getting warmer on the planet is good news for man.” (Actually, it hasn’t warmed in over 10 years, but we will go along with Behringer’s overall statement).
False Precision : The Norm In Climate Science | Real Science
Essentially all climate alarmists massively overstate their precision, because they aren’t real scientists.
Carbon trading market research boosted|Economy|
The United States, Australia, Japan and the European Union are discussing the possibility of building a sub-regional or regional carbon market with China, said Xie Zhenhua, vice-chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission.
Gwynne Dyer: Sea ice, climate, food production, and an unknown unknown | Vancouver, Canada |
now, many temperate regions of the planet are stuck in one kind of weather or the other for much longer periods.

This is a recipe for extreme weather. In the old days the Rossby waves went past fast, bringing the alternation of rainy and sunny weather that characterized the mid-latitude climate. Now they hang around much longer and generate more extreme weather events: droughts and heat waves, or prolonged rain and flooding, or blizzards and long, hard freezes.

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