Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Global warming to kill fruit flies – and this is a bad thing? | Watts Up With That?
“If a species can only withstand temperatures of 36ºC and the maximum temperature of the environment is already 36ºC, an increase of even 1ºC would already put this species over the edge towards extinction,” Dr Kellermann said.
09/18/2012: EPA Awards Columbia University and Cornell University Climate Change [Hoax] Grants
(New York, N.Y.) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded Columbia University and Cornell University almost $750,000 each to study the relationship between air pollution, weather and climate change. The grants are two of 14 that the EPA awarded to universities across the nation to fund research on technologies that can help the public and government agencies predict and prepare for the effects that extreme weather triggered by climate change can have on the nation’s air and water quality.
ClimateGate Star Michael Mann Courts Legal Disaster - Forbes
The climate crisis parade’s leading drum major may have led his band down a dangerous legal road.
Summer Snow Coming To Minnesota | Real Science

The Pragmatic Skeptic « the Air Vent
Anthony Watts gave an interview to PBS whereby he made a very accurate case for what makes myself and others climate skeptics. The reality is nothing like the caricature Lewandowsky, Real Climate, Tamino, Skeptical Science and many other pro-government extremists would express to the world.

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