Thursday, September 20, 2012

Green car scheme subsidising wealthy motorists - Telegraph
A scheme to promote electric cars has led to taxpayers contributing more than £6,000 towards the cost of second vehicles for wealthy families, MPs have warned in a report published today.
Ban drilling say MPs as 'wake up call' shows Arctic ice melt could cause colder winters in UK - Telegraph
The melting of Arctic ice because of climate change will cause cold, dry winters in the UK, MPs have warned.
Flashback: Shrinking Arctic Sea Ice Linked to Snowier Winters?
Northern Hemisphere may get heavier snowfall, model suggests.
Get used to 'extreme' weather, it's the new normal | Connie Hedegaard | Environment |
It has been a summer full of reports of extreme weather, of unparalleled scope and severity...Scientists have been warning for years that as the planet heats up, we will have to deal with more severe, more changeable, more unpredictable weather...
And although not every extreme weather event can be attributed to climate change, scientists are now much more confident about linking individual weather events to climate change.
“Greedy Lying Bastards” | Climate Science Watch
The disparity between science, popular opinion and political action on climate change continues to be far and extreme. My hope is that with the revision of this film exposing the widespread and heavily-funded denial campaign, we may help allow the science to prevail and provoke political action to curb the warming of the planet.

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