Friday, September 14, 2012

Guardian article disappears: "Our planet is waving the white flag of surrender. But as the polar flag becomes more tattered, with holes scorched by hotter ocean waters..."

Update 2:  Now it's available at the link below.

It was supposed to be at this link, but I get a" 404 Page not found" error at the moment.

Update 1: At the moment, it's still available here:
=== [By Damian Carrington] The planet’s last great global ice melt left a benign and balmy climate in which civilisation was cradled: the new great melting heralds a grave threat to civilisation...In 2007, a new record was set for the minimum summer sea ice cover in the Arctic had halved. This furious flag waving attracted attention. That year, the world’s scientists declared the end of any doubt that our addiction to burning fossil fuels was changing the face of the planet...This new great melting heralds the polar opposite: the gravest of threats to civilisation...Decades from now, will today’s record sea ice low be seen as the moment when our Earthly paradise gave up the ghost and entered a hellish new era? I sincerely hope not, but with this global distress signal failing to attract attention, I fear the worst.


joe bastardi said...

Ask the "Choom" climate people at the guardian to explain this
and if they want to think globally as far as sea ice

I am thinking that maybe at their high schools there were in the same kind of Choom clubs Pres Obama writes about in his past, and that may explain their inability to read charts

Joe bastardi said...

Somehow a Bob Dylan song got in there ( tough enough to explain.haha) butthis is more like it

They can listen to Dylan while explaining that