Saturday, September 01, 2012

Hillary Clinton hopes US to do more on climate [scam] - The Times of India
AVARUA, Cook Islands: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced hope Friday the United States would act beyond its pledges on curbing emissions as she visited Pacific islands threatened by climate change.

Clinton, the first US secretary of state to take part in the annual Pacific Islands Forum, pledged $25 million in new assistance to help the low-lying nations of the region plan and adapt to expected rising water levels.
"This is real -- I will underscore that," she said of climate change.
Obama talks up oil and gas drilling | Grist
he still thinks he has to embrace dirty ol’ fossil fuels to win over the diminishing ranks of the undecideds.
Twitter / RyanMaue: Climate scientists & carbon ...
Climate scientists & carbon tax advocates put all of their eggs in Obama's basket. Where do they go now for spiritual guidance?
Obama's empty climate change promises | New York Daily News
Hold the phone, liberals are in a tizzy! Apparently, Mitt Romney's mocking reference to President Obama's 2008 boast about slowing the rising oceans has some people upset. And I'll give them this one: They should be upset! The President has been AWOL on the issue of climate change since about 2009. Taking a shot at him now for his old campaign promises seems like shooting fish in a barrel. Romney's joke hits environmentally-conscious Democrats who actually believed the President's 2008 promises right where they live.
This is one hell of a boast, and it didn't even come when the President won the White House. No, the moment that Obama's talking about, the moment when he thinks the planet's healing began, was on the night of his primary victory over then-Sen. Hillary Clinton. Overblown? Yes. Absurd? Absolutely. Ripe for mockery? Don't you even deny it.

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