Monday, September 17, 2012

I’ll be on the PBS Newshour tonight | Watts Up With That?
I have to think based on my interaction with Mr. Michels, which was quite pleasant, that it will be fair, though he did mention that there was quite a debate in the Washington office over my participation. So, that causes a little bit of worry to me.

On the plus side, he said something off camera that I thought was quite curious at the end of the interview:
You don’t seem that extreme.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds Earth's highest recorded temperature was in 1913 instead of 1922
According to a paper published today in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, the world record highest temperature extreme of 56.7°C (134°F) was actually during 1913 in Death Valley, CA, rather than in 1922 in Libya. Paradoxically, both recordings occurred when CO2 was "safe."
Another Study Debunks RFA/Vilsack Claim Ethanol Reduced Gas Prices by $1.09/Gal
A new study by the Energy Research Policy Foundation, Inc. (EPRINC) further debunks the popular talking point of USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and the Renewable Fuel Association (RFA) that ethanol reduced gasoline prices by $0.89/gal in 2010 and $1.09/gal in 2011.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper shows negative feedback from clouds 'may damp global warming'
A paper published today in The Journal of Climate uses a combination of two modelling techniques to find that negative feedback from clouds could result in "a 2.3-4.5% increase in [model projected] cloudiness" over the next century, and that "subtropical stratocumulus [clouds] may damp global warming in a way not captured by the [Global Climate Models] studied." This strong negative feedback from clouds could alone negate the 3C alleged anthropogenic warming projected by the IPCC.

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