Saturday, September 22, 2012

'Imagine there's no shale gas…' – Telegraph Blogs
how good John Lennon must be feeling right now as he looks down from his heavenly cloud to observe his caterwauling beloved and their ubertalented progeny Sean Ono Lennon carrying on the fight against the Evil Cheap And Abundant Energy Menace They Call Shale Gas.
Solar Influence On Winter Severity In Central Europe, Dispels Junk Claim A Warm Arctic Causes Cold Winters
We’ve been hearing a lot of bogus “model science” asking us to believe the preposterous notion that a warm Arctic and reduced sea ice there “could” lead to bitter cold winters across Europe and North America. In summary the new science insists warming leads to more cold. Now there’s a new paper out in the Geophysical Research Letters titled: Solar influence on winter severity in Central Europe, which tells us this is a load of BS.
Arctic IcePack to be back to normal in December | Climate Realists
I noticed yesterday that the Arctic Sea Ice Extent Is Increasing at very fast rate, my take on this is that the overall impact from the large area of the broken icepack from the "massive cyclone that blew over the central Arctic Ocean" during August, looks to be coming to a very fast (maybe a record) end.

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