Saturday, September 08, 2012

Killing Sea Urchins To Make Money Carbon Trading « sunshine hours
A pair of biologists have a plan to make hundreds of millions of dollar trading carbon credits in Europe.
Proof and Genius « the Air Vent
Steig 09 smeared the peninsula warming across the continent
Climate change and U.S. presidential politics | Climate Etc.
On election date in Nov, however, I suspect that not a single vote will be cast that is based primarily on either candidate’s stance on climate change.
Is the airborne CO2 fraction temperature dependent? « Tallbloke's Talkshop
There has been an interesting discussion concerning the airborne CO2 fraction at WUWT recently which is still ongoing. Our friend ‘Bart’ found an close correlation between the surface temperature of the southern hemisphere and the rate of change of the airborne co2 level, and posits the hypothesis that the source of the increase is due to natural co2 sources dependent for their rate of emission on temperature, rather than human emission of the trace gas through the combustion of fossil fuels.

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