Saturday, September 15, 2012

Messaging fail: If the Arctic is currently so ice-free, why is there so much ice in this photo of Greenpeace's fossil-fueled Arctic Sunrise, hundreds of miles from the north pole?

Also, did they use a fossil-fueled helicopter to take this photo?

Arctic sea ice hits record low: live updates and reaction | Environment |

Greenpeace MY Arctic Sunrise ship expedition to the Arctic to document the lowest sea ice level on record, Arctic Ocean, 12 September 2012. Photograph: Daniel Beltra/Greenpeace
Sept 14, 2012: The staggering decline of sea ice at the frontline of climate change | Environment |
We are a few hundred miles from the north pole.

1 comment:

intrepid_wanders said...

And then, the next day...

What do you bet they don't pick up that mess?