Friday, September 21, 2012

My advice for encounters with rabid warmist Jeff "The house all of humanity lives on is on fire" Masters: Back away slowly, don't make eye contact

Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Earth's attic is on fire: Arctic sea ice bottoms out at a new record low | Weather Underground
Antarctica has actually been warming in recent years. In fact, the oceans surrounding Antarctica have warmed faster than the global trend, and there has been accelerated melting of ocean-terminating Antarctic glaciers in recent years as a result of warmer waters eating away the glaciers...To me, seeing the record Arctic sea ice loss of 2012 is like discovering a growing fire burning in Earth's attic. It is an emergency that requires immediate urgent attention. If you remove an area of sea ice 43% the size of the Contiguous U.S. from the ocean, it is guaranteed to have a significant impact on weather and climate. The extra heat and moisture added to the atmosphere as a result of all that open water over the pole may already be altering jet stream patterns in fall and winter, bringing an increase in extreme weather events. This year's record sea ice loss also contributed to an unprecedented melting event in Greenland. Continued sea ice loss will further increase melting from Greenland, contributing to sea level rise and storm surge damages. Global warming doubters tell us to pay attention to Earth's basement--the Antarctic--pointing out (incorrectly) that there is no fire burning there. But shouldn't we be paying attention to the steadily growing fire in our attic? The house all of humanity lives on is on fire. The fire is certain to spread, since we've ignored it for too long. It is capable of becoming a raging fire that will burn down our house, crippling civilization, unless we take swift and urgent action to combat it.

1 comment:

Harry Dale Huffman said...

Precise and quantitative observation of the physical reality over a sufficient length of time is fundamental to science, but such observations, over the last 40 years or so, have been suborned by poor theory, so that immediate observations, as of seasonal ice loss in the arctic -- mere snapshots, as it were -- cannot be integrated into a viable understanding of the long-term trend in the real world. There is no respect on any of the three sides of the theoretical climate science debate: "greenhouse warming" alarmists; "lukewarm" believers in the "greenhouse" warming due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2); and "deniers" altogether of that CO2 "greenhouse effect". A very few of us -- at odds with the "establishment" scientific community, the academics -- know there is NO such "greenhouse effect" at all, but we have no access to the public's attention through the mainstream media (even the "lukewarmers" are pilloried now, when they manage to obtain a few moments of "on-air time" to state their position). In this, the situation is like that of Nazi Germany, from Hitler's rise to power to the start of World War II. Minority opinions are actually demonized, so that the officially approved theories are not questioned, and the "authorities" can go unchecked, in what is indeed just another mad rush toward an inevitable, and very real, physically violent war. It is true the "house is on fire", but only psychologically, in twisted mental beliefs, not in the physical world. The "house on fire" is the scientific establishment itself, and it is "on fire" because the scientific "authorities" are telling scientific lies, to themselves as much as to the wider, non-scientific world. They are simply deluded, and thus the apparent madness now being shown, by those who believe in the "official" (that is, "consensus") theory.