Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Richard Tol calls out Telegraph warmist Louise Gray: "Article suppresses info on offsetting cold-related mortality. Why?"

Ageing population and climate change will cause 10,000 more heat-related deaths every year - Telegraph
However by 2080 the temperature in towns and cities could rise by 10C, peaking at up to 40C (104F) in London, in the summer for several days.

The HPA said old people restricted to their homes and patients in hospital will be unable to cope.

In a new report on climate change, the Government Agency predict almost 12,000 “heat-related deaths” by the 2080s, an increase of more than 500 per cent. The problem is even worse if the ‘heat island effect’ that causes temperatures to rise in cities is included.

Rising temperatures could also mean that British people may contract exotic illnesses at home as new species of mosquito, that carry tropical diseases such as dengue fever and chikungunya, could migrate to the UK.
Twitter / RichardTol: .@loubgray Article suppresses ...
.@loubgray Article suppresses info on offsetting cold-related mortality. Why? UK numbers used to be the other way around. What's changed?
Twitter / loubgray: Ok, so climate change will ...
Ok, so climate change will stop 5,000 per year dying of cold but will lead to 10,000 extra heat-related deaths per year
2008:  BBC NEWS | Health | Global warming 'may cut deaths'
A seriously hot summer between now and 2017 could claim more than 6,000 lives, the Department of Health report warns.

But it also stresses that milder winters mean deaths during this time of year - which far outstrip heat-related mortality - will continue to decline.
While summers in the UK became warmer in the period 1971 - 2003, there was no change in heat-related deaths, but annual cold-related mortality fell by 3% as winters became milder - so overall fewer people died as a result of extreme temperatures.
However, even 6,000 deaths pales in comparison with the number of cold-related deaths, which in the UK currently average about 20,000 per year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to DEFRA's own report

premature deaths due to cold winters are projected to decrease significantly (e.g. by between 3900 and 24,000 by the 2050s) and premature deaths due to hotter summers are projected to increase (e.g. by between 580 and 5900 by the 2050s).
