Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sea Otters Fight Climate Change | The Onion - America's Finest News Source | American Voices
On top of their unflagging efforts to stem nuclear proliferation? Wow!
Claudio Muscarella
Brass Polisher

Boy, this whole climate change theory just keeps getting sillier.
Nash Hurlbut
Collection Clerk
Climate debate distorted by empty rhetoric | Troy Media
[Tim Ball/Tom Harris] Alarmists could not admit that their hypothesis and its major assumption were wrong, so they simply moved the goalposts. They stopped talking about global warming and started talking about climate change. “Climate change is real” became the new catch phrase and our society’s collective ignorance was exploited to allow one of the greatest hoaxes in the history of science to rumble on.
British Columbia`s carbon tax - are its days numbered? on Environmental Expert
The British Columbia Jobs and Investment Board (BCJIB), a body established in February 2012 to build on BC's post-recession boom in exports and the momentum of the BC Jobs Plan, has released an interim report that calls for, among other things, the elimination of BC's milestone carbon tax.
Non-Existent 82 Foot Thick Ice Pack Continues To Prevent Drilling | Real Science
NSIDC’s super-sensitive sensors apparently can’t detect 82 foot thick ice in the Chukchi sea.

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