Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Warmist Lewandowsky: "As for the conspiracy theorists, they have to be exposed for who they are and are best ignored. The people who first engaged in this denial a couple of years ago are the same ones who think Prince Philip is running the world's drug trade and trying to kill civilisation"

Cold on warming
Professor Lewandowsky says now that a carbon price has been put in place "without the sky falling in", people will be more receptive. As well, those who accept climate change should know they are in the great majority.

"As for the conspiracy theorists, they have to be exposed for who they are and are best ignored. The people who first engaged in this denial a couple of years ago are the same ones who think Prince Philip is running the world's drug trade and trying to kill civilisation. It's now become acceptable to deny climate science but that is as bizarre as believing NASA invented the moon landing when the evidence is so unequivocal. You need to be fairly immune to evidence to think things like that."

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