Friday, October 05, 2012

BBC News - Electric cars 'pose environmental threat'
Electric cars might pollute much more than petrol or diesel-powered cars, according to new research.
Climate change tops Chicago priority list - YouTube
Forecasters say the climate in the US city of Chicago will soon resemble that of New Orleans, hundreds of miles to the south.

But as Al Jazeera's John Hendren reports, few places in the world are taking climate change as seriously as the Windy City.
Matthew Sinclair: Britain Should Abandon Self-Destructive Energy Policies? | The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Out of all major economies, politicians in the UK have embraced aggressive climate policy in the most starry-eyed and expensive way. No other country has taken on more ambitious targets, done less to protect industry from the consequences or imposed more draconian unilateral regulations.
Deutsche Bank Suspends Carbon Traders | The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Reuters: Deutsche Bank has suspended a handful of employees after it was criticised by a judge last year during a trial into tax evasion on carbon permits, a financial source familiar with the matter said on Thursday.
Editorial: New York’s Governor Favours Rich Greens Over Upstate Poor | The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Big Apple elites prefer to keep upstate in pastoral poverty for their second homes and antique shops
Snowfall Records Shattered in Minnesota and North Dakota
Almost double previous record in Grand Forks and other areas.
One vulnerable coral type adapts to ocean acidification in just 6 months « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
We already know that pH varies naturally across the oceans of the world. In some sites, it varies more in a single day than global oceans are likely to face in a century.
2012 Highest September Average Antarctic Sea Ice of All Time! | sunshine hours
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent for September 2012 averaged 19.1702 million sq km.
That is the highest September average of ALL TIME!!!! (during the satellite era).

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