Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Check out this propaganda graph from a warmist NAS video: Did Gavin Schmidt approve it?

Natural Cycles are not cause of the Warming Trend - Climate Change - AccuWeather.com
How do we know that the pronounced global warming trend during the 20th and 21st century is not caused by natural cycles?

The National Academy of Science (NAS) presents a short video to explain why there is a greater than 90% chance that the global warming trend over the past 50 to 60 years is due to the burning of fossil fuels and other greenhouse gas emissions and not natural cycles.

Video courtesy of the National Research Council and YouTube.....
At the 2:48 mark of the YouTube video at the link above, the narrator claims "...we are overriding the natural cycle and forcing Earth's climate system into a warmer state", and this egregious propaganda graph is shown (note the timescale change after year 0):

So who is behind this graph? Note that Gavin Schmidt's name appears on the credits at the 4:51 mark (below):

1 comment:

YFNWG said...

Wow...talk about a Mannomatic trick graph from Mann buddy Schmidt. Adding a global temperature graph to a ice core proxie of a single place on the planet, Vostok. Then make conclusion as the unprecedented nature of the current warm period...Wow. Good science, huh?