Sunday, October 07, 2012

Crookedness born of desperation
The sort of nonsense reported below never ceases. It is cold weather (winter) that most sends people to hospital and kills them but there is a never-ending attempt from Warmists to "prove" that it is actually warm weather that is bad for you. There may indeed be some conditions made worse by warm weather (e.g. mosquito-borne diseases) but the balance is clearly the other way

The funny bit about the study below, however, was that it claimed to cover temperature effects on health but their survey included only the months from May to September! They left winter completely out of it! What joke "research"! There are few people more crooked than a Greenie
Met Office Chief John Hirst: Ignoring his own scientists – promoting alarmism « Tallbloke's Talkshop
He gave the impression he was just there to deliver the facts, and that it was up to us whether to take ‘the science’ seriously, or whether to be influenced by ‘vested interests’ and ‘American Christians who believe God ordains the climate’.
Twitter / HeartlandInst: MT @rsmccain: EPA regs "now ...
MT : [Romney] EPA regs "now so stringent it's virtually impossible to build a new coal-fired plant."

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