Monday, October 01, 2012

Green Party: Obama is in "alarming denial of the climate emergency"; let's blow another $300 billion annually on the carbon dioxide hoax; let's "shut down all coal, fossil fuels and nuclear plants by 2025"

Green Party Calls for National Climate Action Plan | Green Party Watch
“Solutions to the climate crisis are our best hope for building a much more humane economic system —one that closes deep inequalities, generates plentiful, dignified work and radically reins in corporate power,” added Rozum.

Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President, points out that “President Obama has adopted the ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ platform of the Republican Party. He has embraced the energy industry position that our public lands and our environment should be sacrificed for the goal of increasing domestic production. This spin ignores the fact that our most pressing problem isn’t foreign oil — it’s what fossil fuels, both foreign and domestic, are doing to our planet. The President’s ‘all of the above’ approach is an alarming denial of the climate emergency we face and the urgent need to substantially reduce the amount of carbon we exhaust into the atmosphere.”

The Climate Action Plan lays out a number of steps to transition to a carbon free economy.

An annual fund of $300 billion for climate action would be created through a combination of taxes on the windfall profits of fossil fuel companies, major cuts in the military budget, a fee on carbon emissions, an end to subsidies on fossil fuels and nukes, and an energy retrofit program funded through on-bill financing from utility companies.
Climate change is the gravest environmental, social and economic peril that humanity has ever met...The Greens would transfer funds from roads to mass transit, bicycles and pedestrian access.

The Green Party would also shut down all coal, fossil fuels and nuclear plants by 2025, and opposes the construction of any new such plants (including garbage incineration.).
It supports the adoption of a zero waste policy for garbage. 

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