Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Is the Government at last seeing sense on wind farms? – Telegraph Blogs
This doesn't augur so well for my campaign in the Corby by-election as the anti-wind farm candidate. If Paterson and Hayes get their way then my campaign will be almost superfluous. But if the net result is that Britain's greatest asset – her countryside – is spared any more of this wanton vandalism then I shall be more than happy to endure the disappointment of not being elected an MP.
The state of crop harvests around the world | Environment |
Rice and cereal harvests in the far east (China, Japan, the Philippines) are expected to break all records, says the UN
1,580 Record Low And Record Low Maximum Temperatures | Real Science
Record lows outpace record highs by 30 to 1. Mission accomplished for Obama – doubling gasoline prices has healed the climate.
Top Five Hottest 12 Month Periods All Ended In 1934 | Real Science
The top five 12 month periods in US history (based on USHCN raw maximum temperatures) all ended in 1934.
The Future of Scientific Publications: Abandon Journals? | William M. Briggs
It took three years–or was it four?—for a paper I submitted to the august journal Annals of Mathematical Statistics to wend its way through peer review. When it came back to me stamped “Rejected: And Don’t You Dare Try To Resubmit!” I originally thought it was a prank because I did not recall writing it.
It Is Official : Time Began In 1980 | Real Science
These total slimeballs began their study in 1980 (340 ppm CO2) for good reason.

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