Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mark Steyn: Mike's Nobel Trick

In public, Dr Mann is a-huffin' an' a-puffin' that this is just more smears from Koch-funded climate deniers. But, behind the scenes, a lot of quiet airbrushing of the record seems to be going on. Two days ago, his Penn State bio said he had been "co-awarded" the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, now merely that he "contributed… to the award" (whatever that means). Over at Wikipedia, they're arguing over ever more unwieldy rewrites. Editing a false legal complaint is trickier but by now someone may have snuck into the DC court clerk's office with a gallon of White-Out and amended "defamation of a Nobel prize recipient" to "defamation of a man who received one of two thousand photocopies of a commemorative thank-you certificate run off at the IPCC branch of Kinko's".

So let's see: A week ago, Michael Mann accused us of damaging his reputation – and seems to have made it a self-fulfilling prophecy. A week ago, he was a "Nobel prize recipient". Now he's not. Great work, Mike!

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