Sunday, October 14, 2012

Report: Global warming stopped 16 years ago | Watts Up With That?
regarding the significance of the period from 1997, recall that Dr. Ben Santer claimed 17 years was the period needed:
Hey! What about that consensus?
We were told that the consensus is always right. Now the same people are saying it's wrong. Typical Green/Left lack of consistency of course.

But it's just a friendly football match among propagandists anyway: Totally isolated from reality. Recent bad weather CANNOT be a result of global warming. Why? Because there has been none for around 15 years. Things that don't exist cannot cause anything
July Was Fourth Hottest In The US | Real Science
Another big NOAA lie is that July, 2012 was hottest on record in the US. The GHCN HCN daily data set (which is supposed to match the USHCN daily data set) shows that 2012 was fourth hottest, after 1901, 1936 and 1934.
There is no trend in US July temperatures since 1895.
Unbelievable – Yet Another USHCN Cheat | Real Science
You can’t make this stuff up. There is yet another USHCN cheat going on with the raw data – which I just discovered.

The graph above plots USHCN 2.0 daily minus GHCN HCN daily data. They are supposed to be identical raw data sets, but USHCN 2.0 is doing something to cool the past and warm the present. This occurs before the USHCN 2.5 raw data cheat which I reported earlier today.

These people are corrupting the trend upwards at every step of the process.

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