Friday, October 12, 2012

The New Nostradamus of the North: The smile of a Nobel laureate
A bunch of Norwegian socialists, led by former prime minister Thorbjoern Jagland, has awarded the once highly regarded Nobel Peace Prize to the EUSSR, also know as the European Union. What a joke!
The prize money will probably be used to printing new business cards for thousands of Brussels bureaucrats, who now will be able to call themselves "Nobel laureates".
EU politics: peace in our time? - EU Referendum
One feels almost (forget the almost) physically sick at the news that the European Union has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for having "over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe".
How the Nobel Committee could possibly applaud this inherently anti-democratic construct for its "advancement of … democracy" is quite beyond me, but then, for a committee that awarded the peace prize to the IPCC in 2007, anything is possible.

But make no mistake. These people have set back the cause of peace and democracy by decades. The one hope we have of avoiding turmoil and civil war in Europe is of dismantling peacefully, the EU construct, and replacing it with something closer to democracies in the nation states of Europe.

The malign, stupid fools of the Nobel Peace committee have just made that task immeasurably harder.

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