Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Voters may care about climate change — but not nearly enough to make a difference | Grist
That orange and yellow graph makes one thing clear: Among voters, that energy and passion is missing. It shows awareness and dispassion, meaning that elected officials can safely ignore the issue. People know it exists, but they don’t care. They’re not going to fund a campaign; they’re not going to march on Capitol Hill. No relationship, no cover, no fear. So no political clout.
Environmentalists Create Another False Claim About Climate Change
People have stopped reacting to constantly changing scare claims, so McKibben and others are moving the goalposts again. Now they claim change is unnaturally fast, but that’s false.
Gillard’s bill: $7000 a year to feel good about doing nothing | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Such extra costs really hurt people who must pay their own bills - and what makes it even more obscene is that all that pain is for zero gain to the climate:
JULIA Gillard’s personal carbon tax bill for living in the Lodge is costing taxpayers an average of $7000 a year...
NY Times Dishonestly Shills for NSIDC Antarctic Deniers | sunshine hours
If you go the press page for NSIDC you will see that Antarctic Ice Extent record is not mentioned until October 2nd, 2012.
How unusual is early October snow in North Dakota?
Records going back to 1940 show that, in the Red River Valley and the Devils Lake Basin, the last time the area received early measurable snow was 62 years ago, on Oct. 2, 1950. Another notable snowstorm in those areas happened on Oct. 7-8, 1985.
The Blackboard » ARIMA(1,1) MC corrected: GISTemp trends inconsistent with 0.2C/decade.

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