Tuesday, November 13, 2012

28 Gates Later…the BBC's nightmare gets worse and worse! – Telegraph Blogs
Hulme is a slippery customer. In the aftermath of Climategate, he could often be heard on the radio posing as the voice of sweet reason and moderation. Privately, Hulme was one of the arch Post Modern Scientists (read Watermelons for more on this) who helped build the great global warming scam into the Frankenstein's monster it is today. In that private email, he shows his true face. The Stott is Professor Philip Stott – one of the few scientists in the early days prepared publicly to speak out against AGW alarmism; the Houghton is Sir John Houghton, long one of Britain's most shrill and influential alarmists. Hulme's response to this unwelcome balance: to use money from his publicly-funded Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research to shut down the debate.
Climate Quiz | Real Science
Would you be willing to buy $10 per gallon gasoline to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
Would you be willing to give up 20% of your income to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
Would you be willing to live without hot water or electricity in the winter to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
Would you be willing to drive a golf cart to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
Would you be willing to give up your vacation to pretend you are doing something about the climate?

Grist says that 77% of Americans would answer yes to the questions above.
EU fails to fill cash gap as climate talks loom
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU finance ministers have failed to deliver firm promises of cash to help poor nations deal with climate change, threatening progress at international talks to tackle global warming later this month.

Talks on Tuesday in Brussels agreed vague wording but no detail on funding after the end of this year when a first tranche of cash runs out.
Twitter / Revkin: My Princeton talk on climate, ...
My Princeton talk on climate, energy and "An Inconvenient Mind" is now online: via

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