Monday, November 05, 2012

C3: Hurricane Sandy Is Not A Symptom Of Climate Change or Global Warming
The attempt to label Hurricane Sandy as an "unprecedented" event due to climate change and global warming from human CO2 emissions is simply without merit - comparing 'Sandy' and other recent hurricanes to those in the past establishes that this supposed "superstorm" is just one of many 'Category 1' storms
Climate Common Sense: Global warming religion falters.
The advantage the missionaries had was that the religion they taught had no hypotheses that could be tested. Death - "the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns" - meant that the afterlife could be neither proved nor disproved. Faith was the only thing needed.
Climate science is a bit like that - push the rewards and the catastrophes far enough into the future, and have faith that the prophecies will come true. However, unlike heaven, which we may reach at any time, climate prophecies need to be distant enough to make them hard to challenge yet sufficiently close to generate urgent action.
Twitter / Revkin: Great re-read: @Naparstek "The ...
Great re-read: "The Big One." 13-ft. surge in hurricane of 1821 was at LOW tide. not near worst case.
CBS Prime Time Judge Declares ‘Global Warming 1, Skeptics 0’ |
A fresh insertion of leftist politics into prime time entertainment television. On Sunday night’s The Good Wife on CBS, which is set in Chicago, a judge strode into court and observed: “I hope you’re staying cool today on this unusually hot November day.” He then declared, “I hope you don’t mind me saying: Global warming 1, skeptics 0.”

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