Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Correlating US Temperatures With CO2 | Real Science
GHCN HCN daily US temperatures show that as CO2 has risen, there has been no change in US temperatures. Clearly we need a large tax increase to correct this problem.

But let’s talk climate change. The US has also seen a decrease in drought, hurricanes and severe tornadoes as CO2 has risen.
Time To Take Action Against Extreme Weather | Real Science
The summer of 1926 brought extreme heat and drought to the US, and then extreme rain. Both threatened the food supply.

Had they raised taxes in 1926, they could have prevented the 1930s Dust Bowl. ™James Hansen
Checking In On The Super El Nino | Real Science
A few months ago, leading experts were forecasting a big El Nino for this winter. In 1998 Trenberth told us that global warming causes more El Ninos.
Looks like we could be in for an unprecedented third consecutive La Nina.
What Will It Take To Limit US Warming To Two Degrees? | Real Science
Over the past century, measured US temperatures have declined slightly. The more important question is “what will it take to limit temperature data fraud at NOAA and NASA to two degrees?“

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