Friday, November 02, 2012

McKibben on Sandy: The World’s Greenest Author Talks to TIME |
And horrible as it is, a hundred years from now Sandy won’t be the event from 2012 that people most remember. I imagine it’ll be the shocking melt of the Arctic this summer.
[Q] With all this opposition to big oil, when you go to the gas service[?], do you get bad service?

I’m afraid service is not an issue at gas stations in America anymore.
Most scientists mum on warming link | | The Bulletin
“We don’t have a fingerprint showing that this storm would not have occurred if there wasn’t climate change, but we know that hurricanes are moving farther north [do we?] and sea level is rising," said Chris Field, director of the Carnegie Institution for Science at Stanford University and co-chair of a working group for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Doubters frustrate climate-change "expert"
''There has been an increase [has there?], year by year, decade by decade, in the number of deaths that are occurring in hot periods in summer, those periods are occurring a little more often and a little more severely, and that's been widely reported in many countries,'' he said.
2010: "longterm trends of heat related illness in the USA seem to be decreasing" –
While heat waves caused 70,000 excess deaths in France in 2003 and 50,000 excess deaths in Russia in 2010, longterm trends of heat related illness in the USA seem to be decreasing, says George Luber, a health scientist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Environmental Health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Billy, our boy, has a degree in "Journalism" which tells you EVERYTHING you need to know regarding his scientific credentials. Like many tree hugging feel good simpletons he spouts claptrap with NO understanding of the science, he gets his "Straight Dope" Info from the likes of Al Gore who knows even less than Bill does himself. SAD SAD SAD to say the least but Billy, like many lefties, loves to feel SAD and then rage at the world for his personal lack and small mindedness. His rage makes him feel good that he is standing up for the little guy against his self created monsters (like big oil). Bill, get a life and do something productive, create a product, produce anything of real value and then we will begin to listen. I am sad for you, but even more so for your small little band of followers who are so lost that they look up to such a loser for a leader.