Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Obama to weigh energy boom, climate change in 2nd term | Firstpost
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will face a two-fold challenge in energy policy in his second term: make good on his promise to act on climate change, while at the same time foster growth in oil and gas production that has spurred jobs and manufacturing.
Remember – Only You Can Prevent Storm Surges | Real Science
Storm surges have killed hundreds of thousands of people over the last millennium. Blaming them on US generated CO2 is as stupid as a human being can get.
Off to War - The New York Sun
We don’t buy for a minute the notion advanced by the New York Times that the vote was a rejection of Reaganite “bromides.” If so, why would America have re-installed the Republicans in command of the house of Congress that originates the budget? If the voters wanted tax hikes, why would they have re-elected the very House that has blocked them at every turn?
The Soda Tax Lost. Now What? | Mother Jones
Measures in Richmond and El Monte, California that would have taxed sugar-sweetened beverages at a penny-per-ounce rate failed to pass in either city yesterday. In Richmond, 67 percent of voters said no to Measure N, striking down an attempt by councilmembers such as Jeff Ritterman, the main champion of the tax, to raise funds in hopes of curbing high rates of childhood obesity in the area.

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